Metro in Yekaterinburg Extends Hours for "Night of Music" Festival

2024-06-25 // LuxePodium
Metro in Yekaterinburg will extend its hours until 2:00 am for the "Night of Music" festival. The festival will be held on the night of June 29 on over 100 city venues.

Metro in Yekaterinburg will operate until 2:00 am in connection with the "Night of Music" festival, according to the announcement. The festival will take place on the night of June 29 at more than 100 city venues.

The festival is expected to attract music lovers from all over the city, offering a diverse lineup of performances across various genres. It will provide a unique opportunity for people to enjoy live music late into the night.

This decision to extend metro hours is a practical measure to ensure the convenience of festival attendees. It will enable them to easily travel to and from the festival locations using public transportation.

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