Installation of Innovative Street Clocks in Student Campus

2024-09-19 // LuxePodium
New street clocks with innovative design will be installed in the campus of Ural Federal University in Yekaterinburg.

In Yekaterinburg, the winner of the competition for the best art object concept for the campus of Ural Federal University in the Novokoltsovsky district has been chosen. The project "Hour X" by the Urband team, led by Alexander Titov, was selected.

The clocks consist of four columns that display the time using movable frames. The clock will be installed between the buildings of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Information Technology and the Institute of Economics and Management, which will be put into operation in November 2025. The dial shape consists of four columns made of composite materials, covered with mirrored panels. The frame made of polycarbonate slides up and down easily along the surface, driven by hidden cables inside the structure, and microcontroller controls the movement. The composition will be well visible in the dark thanks to LED backlighting. The so-called wow effect will occur when the mysterious symbols on the surface of the column, after the frame is applied, will transform into numbers.

The concept behind the design

"The clocks embody innovation and harmoniously blend with the architecture of the campus, echoing the elements of the university buildings' windows," commented Alexander Titov. "The site is located at an intersection, hence the name Hour X."

"We decided that the art object should be strict and geometric. It is designed in such a way that the numbers can be seen from several points," added Yevgeny Koryakin, co-leader of the developers' group. "And strictness can be thematically relieved, for example, by placing graduation cap-shaped hats on the tops of the columns or red hats for New Year's."

The international competition

The "Starting Point" competition, organized by the online platform "ArchiMAF," became international, with 130 applications received from different parts of Russia, Moldova, China, India, Kazakhstan, and Croatia. Out of 45 projects, 10 made it onto the shortlist, which was carefully analyzed by the expert council. They had to choose not only the most beautiful object but also an interactive, original, and easy-to-maintain one. Additionally, the cost should not exceed two million rubles, including materials and assembly. The voting was intense, and until the last moment, it was unclear who would win, with only a minimal difference in scores within the top three.

The experts had to select the most original and low-maintenance object. "The task was challenging - to synthesize art and utility. Unfortunately, many participants focused on landscaping, some aimed for large-scale and did not fit within the budget, not everyone grasped the essence of the technical assignment: an art object as a symbol of the campus as a center for the region's digital transformation. However, the winner managed to combine everything," noted Dmitry Zonov, creator of the ArchiMAF platform..

Positive feedback

The creators of the "clocks from the future" hope that they will become well-known beyond Yekaterinburg over time. And how do those to whom it is addressed evaluate the project? "Unusual and modern. It looks interesting in the model, I would like to see how it turns out in reality," reflects Milan Ibragimova, a fourth-year student.

The idea of creating a handmade focal point, a place for meetings, communication, and impressive selfies in the developing student town, belongs to the company that is building the second phase of the campus. It will also finance the realization of the design concept. Timur Ufimtsev, CEO of Sinara Development, emphasized, "It's great that the 'Starting Point' competition took place, and a modern, creative art object will appear in the campus, which will beautify the surrounding space and, ideally, become part of the innovative environment being formed there."

"I had three favorites, and one of them took first place. We need to work on the art object, taking into account its dynamic details and our climate, seasonal changes. However, I am confident that we will handle it. As for other competition ideas, they will not be lost. In particular, I really liked the digital bench, and we will definitely implement this concept," said Danil Znachkov, First Deputy General Director of the company.

The construction of the second phase of the campus is underway. Currently, the completion status of the projects is between 37% and 45%. Before winter, the developer intends to close the heating circuit and begin full-scale finishing work and the installation of internal engineering networks. There are over a thousand workers and more than 40 pieces of equipment operating on the sites every day.

The first phase of the campus includes dormitories for 8,500 students, a community center, a medical clinic, a training field, sports grounds, and recreational areas. All of the infrastructure is already being used by students and professors.

This publication includes the main materials from the latest issue of "Russian Newspaper." The website uses recommendation technology (information technology for providing information based on the collection, systematization, and analysis of data related to the preferences of Internet users located in the Russian Federation). The Internet portal "Russian Newspaper" (16+) is registered with Roskomnadzor as of June 21, 2012. The editorial staff is not responsible for the opinions expressed in the readers' comments.